Recipient Evening Feb 6 2020


The Rotary Club of Grimsby’s 20th Annual Fantasy of Trees was a great community event in 2019 with 3,000 people attending this year. A celebration evening was held on February 6th 2020 at the Grimsby Museum to present cheques to the recipient charities.

Pictured here are representatives of the local charities who received raffle/lottery proceeds. The 2019 Fantasy raised about $17,000 from raffle sales. Another $4,000 was netted from auction proceeds for the work of Rotary in the community and worldwide. Rotary also makes a donation to the Museum for the availability of the space and the support of the staff in making the event possible.

Jim Howden, Jim Noordemeer, Amanda Pyper Matha Kralt, Alan Smith, Margaret Andrews, Dave Vandersteen, Sue Shipley, Jodi Healy, France Vallencourt, Marilyn Cornwell, Little Sister, Nicole Regehr Big Sister Erica Maritinello with Little Sister, Barbara Jackson, Marie McNiven, Werner Unger, Sherry Cain, Colleen Laverdiere, Wally Wyshniowsky, Janet Oaks, Bill Thompson

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